
Ladies Gala Day

On Wednesday, our club hosted our Ladies Gala Day. It was a fabulous, fun day with sixteen teams dressed to impress to enjoy the day. We welcomed teams from Brighton, Marion, Christie’s Beach, Reynella, Club Holdfast, Henley Beach, Two Wells, Lockleys, Somerton/Morphett Vale, West Lakes and Ascot Park.

The overall winner was Isobel’s team from Somerton/Morphett Vale. First game winners were  Christine’s team from Brighton and the second game winner was Sue’s team from Lockleys.

A big thank you must go to Liz Allen and her band of many helpers for their time, effort and organisation in making the day such a success. Many thanks to Linda K, John A, Howard P, Gary B, Glenn S, Trevor W, John K, Della W, Donna N, Mandy C, Shaun C and last but not least, Liz A.

Special thanks to Della, Mandy, Trevor and Donna for helping with the set up on the Tuesday afternoon.