
Functions at Brighton Bowling Club and Brighton RSL


The club rooms are available for hire, mainly on Saturday nights and Sundays, subject to some restrictions. Birthday celebrations (>21), wedding receptions, wedding anniversaries, reunions etc can be organized with catering by the hirer’s or by the club. There are limitations to access on summer Saturdays and functions must finish by midnight.

To find out more or to make a booking ring the office on ph. 82968303, or email treasurerbrsl@bigpond.com

If you have a group which would like to have a game of bowls at the club and a meal you will be welcomed on Friday nights during the bowling season. You can get a meal and play bowls for a very reasonable cost. Booking required.

To find out more or to make a booking ring the office on ph. 82968303, or email treasurerbrsl@bigpond.com

We also have a separate, more intimate lounge that can be hired which is suitable for up to 50 people.

The Industrial Kitchen includes the following facilities:

2 ovens, microwave, fryer, pie warmers, dishwasher, walk-in fridge.